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CMIA Alumna wins prestigious Simón Bolívar Journalism Award

CMIA Journalism Seminar Alumna, Lara Loaiza Arias, recently won a prestigious Simón Bolívar Journalism Award, with her reporting colleague at Insight Crime, Alicia Flórez Escobar.

Their work, entitled "The Informants of Tibú: How the Colombian State unleashed a wave of feminicides" unveiled how women were used in a small rural town by police as informants and then forcefully outed and made to flee their communities.

Speaking to the CMIA, Lara had the following to share:

"This year, I was fortunate to participate in the Center for Media Integrity of the Americas' seminar on journalism and sustainable development. I met journalists from all over the region and strengthened my belief that journalism should always be guided by ethics. The discussions we had with the expert panelists and among ourselves on what stories we tell, how we report on key issues in the region --like violence against women--, and how we write our stories in a way that is responsible and tactful with our sources and readers helped me grow as a journalist. The seminar also emphasized the importance of collaborative journalism, building bridges between reporters across the Americas who have become not only colleagues, but friends."

Our hearty congratulations to Lara and Alicia, with thanks for your successful efforts to tell impactful stories with allegiance to the facts and integrity.

You can read more about the award here.


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